Thursday, May 31, 2012

Diablo 3 Single Player Petition

Hey guys its Spartacus here and with the servers down again for more server maintenance  I want to write about something that has been bothering me since launch. Well actually a few things that have been bothering me, and that is the lack of a non-internet connected single/lan experience with my Diablo 3 game.  Now many of you are going to say things like "Well it said internet connection required on the box bro" and yes we know that, but doesn't mean that its right or that we the consumers should just accept that and move on.  The Diablo franchise has been around now for 16 years and before most people had reliable internet in their homes,  but they could still play the game that they purchased. If they were lucky enough to have an internet connection they could connect to B-Net and play over the internet with their friends/ total strangers.  Then Diablo 2 came out offering players the same options to play either single player or multiplayer via internet or Lan.  This gave players tons of options on how they could play their favorite game.

This is the start up screen we should expect in Diablo 3

I mean we all paid $60 for a game in which we are all being forced to deal with MMO style server maintenance and down times. Blizzard say's its so they can control the hackers and the dupers and the pirates. That is their problem not ours, and they have now made it all of our problems instead of figuring out a way to deter such behavior.  I'll share one of my favorite experiences I had with Diablo 2 and tell you why it was and will probably still be my go to game for some good fun either solo or with my friends. I was in the Army and was deployed to Iraq, now during this time we had none or maybe very very slow internet and even less time to enjoy it. But with a bit of networking ingenuity and a few laptops my platoon mates and I were battling the evil forces of the Prime Evils.  An experience that unless something is done will never happen with Diablo 3. With Win7 and Diablo 2 having compatibility issues making it hard to run and to network together this experience might be lost forever.  It was a successful strategy for the first 2 games that made this series what it is now and what gave it the fan base it has today, why leave it.  Because of the real money auction me I would give that up in a heart beat for a Single player/Lan client.  We are the consumers, this is just as much our baby as it is Blizzard's.  If you feel like I do and like many others do please head to and sign the petition. It may do nothing but there are enough of us paying customers that feel like Diablo 3 should go back to the structure that made it the franchise that it is today, maybe just maybe Blizzard will listen.

-As always comment, rate, and hate.  Spartacus signing off...

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