Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Inferno Mode....wait did that zombie just kill me?

 Hey guy, Spartacus here giving you some more hint and tricks for playing your Diablo 3 Barbarian!
Been a while since the last post cause of the holiday weekend but I'm back and got a bunch of goodies for ya!

INFERNO MODE (a.k.a Die-a-lot mode)

Well finally made it to inferno mode and for those of you that have not been just know your going to die, and a lot at that.  But don't be discouraged as more and more people are making it to inferno mode and figuring out how to survive and even farm they are bringing back goodies and posting them on the auction house. But be warned yer gonna spend some gold to get that gear.  Unfortunately the AH market is extremely inflated and prices have only been going up as more and more people figure out what stats you are gonna need to survive Inferno mode.  What stats does my barb need to survive inferno mode, you might be asking yourself. Don't worry I'll let ya know. 

My current gear and stats

Above is a screen shot of my current gear and stats (unbuffed).  With this gear I have been chopping my way through Act 1 Inferno and even been able to farm King Leoric. As you will notice just about every piece of my gear has + All Res on it.  As should all of yours if you want to be successful in Inferno.  As a barb you get into the shit and standing toe to toe with the evils of inferno mode is tough, so you have to be tougher. + All Res and Vitality are gonna be your main stats. You just have to have them.  If you find yourself having problems in inferno mode hit the auction house and look for Chromatic whatever of Valor.  These are gonna be your building blocks for your inferno gear.  But Spartacus those are blues? Why would i want to replace my rares for blues?  Well, the answer is simply because it works.  As most know itemization is poor to say the least in this game and barb gear is some of the most expensive on the AH so your going to be spending some gold to outfit your barb.  But Chromatic + of Valor gear is relatively cheap so go out and grab you some trust me it will make life easier. But I would recommend against getting a whole set of that kind of gear mostly because you need to be well rounded to be able to have a chance in inferno.  To start farming Act 1 Inferno I would suggest having at least 400-500 unbuffed res, 30k HP, and at least 5k armor.  This is a good start defense-wise.  Once you get your defenses up to that point then you need to start getting offense up to snuff. I paid about 500k for the axe that I am using and it is completely worth it. The best way to find you a good choppa is to go to the AH look at all 1 hand/2 hand weapons (depending on your play style) I would never pay more than 500k for a weapon so put that down as your max buyout price and just hit search.  Then find your self a good weapon at a price you are willing to pay. But have it doing at least 700+ DPS.  I like holy and cold damage on my weapons so I try to look for that as well. It seems very few enemies are res to holy damage (go figure demons aren't resistant to holy damage???)  and cold damage for the snare.  But figure out what works best for you and grab that. Once you have a good choppa then its time to look at strength. I would say you need to have at least 900 strength.  You want to hit about 9000 dps, this will allow you to chop through the enemies fast, because yes the elite packs in inferno have rage timers.  If you end up taking to long to kill a pack of enemies they will enrage, and if you couldn't beat them before that you most likely are not going to be able to beat them after they start raging on you. Some other stats that I like are Intel, Life Steal, Life Per Sec, AS, and Move Speed.  These are all gravy stats but if you can find some armor that has your all res and vitality plus a few of these gravy stats then all the better.  Also remember that Intel raises your res by 10%.  (100 intel = 10 to your res) The ratio isn't the greatest since I've seen pieces of armor with +80 to all res (the equivalent of 800 Intel) but should you be short on gold or having issues finding +all res gear in your price range intel gear is a viable alternative to get you going on act 1 inferno. Just know that you will have to eventually get the all res gear. 

Get to choppin!

So you have your gear and your ready to start choppin.  You start inferno mode and you start questing. You get outside the gates and you go to that first cellar. You go inside ready for a fight, inside you see a rare zombie. Haha you charge into battle....dead. Not just dead but body flying through the air bouncing off the walls dead. This was my first experience in inferno mode. This zombie was magma, plagued, vampiric, shielded. I smashed my face against him till he raged on me.  I was mad, who wouldn't be I had spent hundreds of thousands of gold on my gear. I had spent hours play testing different builds till i found the best one that worked for me and this stupid zombie right outside the gates is beating me down like a little barb welp. Well the fact is that it's inferno mode and your a barb, there will be fights you just won't be able to win solo. If you can avoid them then do that. Run by them get to the next level of the dungeon skip that side dungeon even leave the game and go back in.  Do what you have to, there is no shame in it.  Your fellow barbs understand. Trust me once you get to 60 and get to inferno, then the game actually starts. Normal-Hell are just the warm up acts. You will be replacing your rares with blues and you are going to die. 

Well that's all for me in this post. I'm gonna try to get some videos up later of inferno mode and some elite pack fights so look forward to that!

And always comment, rate, hate! :p

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